Paul’s son, Michael Ehline, a consumer lawyer in Southern California, was late to the game in understanding the plight of Vietnam veterans like his father when dealing with the VA and red tape.
The pain Michael has endured since losing with father led Michael to become a lobbyist, fighting on behalf of military toxic exposure victims to pass laws opening up El Toro Marine Base, as well as Marine Corps Helicopter Air Station in Tustin, California.
Michael wants people to stand up for themselves and question everything people say, ESPECIALLY if they have the power of the state and for profit media in charge of the official narrative. Agent Orange was said to be safe by politicians, even though the manufacturers and others knew that was a lie.
Years later, surviving and struggling families are left holding the bag. When politicians and those in command cover things up, or put profits over people, AgentOrange.Org is there to right the ship and stand up for the true sovereign, “We the People.” Michael has formed the AgentOrange.Org Foundation with the help if other veterans to help educate civilians, veterans and active duty personnel about chemicals and defoliants like Agent Orange, including burn pits, solvents and even fire retardants that can kill, and even alter your DNA, mutating and injuring your own children. Michael helped form the Paul Ehline Memorial Ride in 2021, which is a memorial motorcycle ride across the nation raising awareness about service related cancer. In the process, Michael Ehline has become one of the leading advocates for veterans and families adversely affected by Agent Orange poisoning.
The Paul Ehline Ride brought a wealth of experience and grassroots relationships with other vets and lawyers across the United States who are now volunteering their time to help victims under the PACT ACT settlement. But there is more work to be done. Agent Orange has become a term that denotes any types of toxic chemical exposure to vets.
The Agent Orange Foundation wants to find ways to give veterans the rights to hire the lawyer of their choice, not just someone in North Carolina. The AOF wants to open up West Coast military bases to the same protections as Marines who served in Nam, Afghanistan, or Iraq.
Cash needs to distributed directly to the family’s Agent Orange victims and others exposed to chemicals like Benzene. Are you dealing with the fallout of Parkinson’s Disease, or some other type of military related cancer. Help us establish a nationwide consortium lawyers, motorcycle riders, and other grassroots organizations to build private funds and locate veteran friendly lawyers to administer lawsuits, settlement funds and government grants/set asides.
We can help victims with case-managed social services, explain medical assistance, and offer financial support through grants to help eligible veterans and surviving families throughout the United States.